London Screenwriter’s Festival 365

(February 2021)

Pinewood Studios - Futures Festival

(February 2023)

Industry Engagement

Here is everything I’ve engaged in related to the Film Industry

I attended a month long online festival that taught me about a variety of different skills and information in the area of scriptwriting. I was taught useful tips and tricks that would help me out in creating a detailed and engaging script. The festival included a variety of different guest speakers which all mainly taught me one most important rule of scriptwriting. That there is no set 'Rules' for any type of scriptwriting and that when writing a script never to limit yourself to what happens and what is said in this script.

Among other lessons in the festival, I was taught about how to crowd fund and how to create a fanbase of the production enabling me to understand how to get a crowd involved as background actors. Learning about this crowd funding it showed me that it's not just about asking the public for money but for support in the production in return to include them as a part of the production.

It was a very enjoyable experience and I took away a lot from it which I believe has increased my knowledge of scriptwriting. And final, it showed me that even the best scriptwriters and celebrities make these mistakes. If they can get past the problems then so can I!

Through a University lecturer, I attended a Future’s Festival at Pinewood Studios which toured the main parts of the studios such as the Studio Floors, Sound Mixing Theatre, and the Underwater Filming Studio.

This event gave me an idea of what a studio looks like from the inside and an insight to future career options such as crew calling from companies, and other departments and continuing my education through a Master’s Degree.

I hugely enjoyed the experience and it has definitely given me an idea of what to do in the future.